The dolphin therapy can be applied to many different conditions. It is suitable especially for children and noted successes in these areas where reported in lieu of other therapies that have failed.
There are many successful therapies that often combat not only the problem itself, but also the environment of the problem. These successful therapies include the dolphin therapy. You can find this particular application especially with children. Meanwhile, many people were healed by this type of therapy, and even though they had different diseases. Is this some form of therapy that is a miracle of medicine?
In fact, it was the dolphin therapy that was able to cure diseases where other treatments have failed dismally. Nevertheless, it is no guarantee of a cure, because not every treatment is successful. But how does it work?
The therapy is based on the dolphins and their behavior with the person to be treated. The marine mammals have something in itself, which has a beneficial effect to the patient that seems to cure their disease. Dolphins are very social animals and usually live together in larger groups. Therefore, the therapy is also associated with more animals, this being carried out simultaneously. The Dolphins received the therapist and the child, for example, as guests in their territory. Look for the constant contact, be strongly determined of the progress of the therapy, and are very playful, but in a very careful way. The resulting sense of belonging has a positive effect on the psyche, especially on the self-awareness, and a healthy mind is the basis for a healthy body—thus, creating wonders to the child’s health and speeding up recovery or healing from the disease itself..
The dolphin therapy is not readily available to everyone. First, there are only a limited number of places, and secondly, they are very expensive. Serious and otherwise untreatable diseases, the costs are, however, also adopted by some health insurance companies.