Wednesday, May 4, 2011 | |

Hunters Need A Good Sense Of Humour

Professional Lawyer
I am not a hunter but I love hunting. I have many friends who are hunters. They love to go for hunting whenever they are free from their offices. I always accompany them in their every new hunting mission. There are many things about hunting that I love however two tents I like the most---sitting and sleeping tents. I also always enjoy camping shower and ice box. I provide myself more fun by cutting jokes to my fellow hunters. They never mind my jokes rather they enjoy them. Let me share with you one of that jokes.

Once, there was a very renowned lawyer. He was very expert in his profession. One day, he set off his journey for duck hunting. As he found a duck, he shot it. Unfortunately, duck fell into a farmer's ground. A fence was in between a great lawyer and farmer's ground. He crossed the fence to receive his hunted duck. He was about to lift up his duck but an old farmer appeared and inquired lawyer's presence on his land. Lawyer told him about his hunted duck but the farmer said" every thing that is on my land belongs to me." Lawyer introduced his profession to a farmer and threatened him to confiscate entire his property if he would claim his duck.

The farmer gave him very satisfactory look and said, "You do not know the custom of this land. We always solve our disputes with Three Kick Rule." On lawyer's request he explained Three Kick Rule according to which both partners did use to kick each other three times one by one. Farmer suggested sorting out the conflict through this rule. He also informed lawyer that they would have to kick each other until one gave up. Lawyer agreed and invited the former to kick first considering him weaker than himself. Farmer came and hit him hard on his foot, nose and belly very hard with his heavy boots. Lawyer was about to give up but he did not. He was feeling much pain however did not want to miss his turn. When lawyer's turn came farmer said, "I withdraw from the conflict and you can take you hunted duck."

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