Wednesday, June 22, 2011 | | 0 comments

Affirmative Expressions Within You, Build Trust

achieve happiness
Hi friends, again connected to share about a really important issue for all, especially in the world we live in today are increasingly challenging the events that surround us. In our daily journey of life we experience constant challenges posed by adopting attitudes and thoughts that help us manage a hopeful vision on our horizon.

I've always been an optimistic person and even in uncertain times I have held a position aimed at generating safety and trust for myself. I remember very well, "a story about it," that during the celebration of Miss Universe contest in Panama, I decided to create affirmative expressions on my mind to win the award.

Since I arrived in Panama City, wrote the autograph that I asked the audience, using the letter "u" instead of "v" to enter Venezuela, my beloved country of origin. He did it intentionally, without the person noticing, but in my mind I repeated the "u" is that Miss Universe and I'm going to convert. Another story that I always remember, my husband is as recreated in my mind, the person wanted to share my life and raise a family. And I saw a wonderful person and as wonderful children I have now with the blessing of God.

how to be happy
Just as words have a direct effect and a power of conviction, the thoughts are overwhelmingly powerful and creative for good and for ill. The successes are brewing in your mind and pay with your thoughts. The intelligence of human beings, must be interpreted and led to what we call spiritual intelligence, and this, in turn, we can become a platform of positive aspirations, ideals constructive and reasonable to turn dreams into reality.

Many people get carried away by the evil of negativism and threatening scenarios built around your desires. Therefore find it easier to get discouraged and give up their dreams to fight those thoughts and begin to do battle with a new attitude.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011 | | 0 comments

Labor intermediation: SPE or ETT?

Temporary Work Businesses get more contracts, but utilities offer more training.

human resource mediation
Unemployment has reached in the third quarter, to just over 4.5 million Spanish individuals, 10% more than in 2009. The labor market intermediation is a key factor in combating it. In Spain there are five types of intermediaries: the Public Employment Service (PES), the Temporary Employment Agency (ETT) placement agencies nonprofit, different job boards and recruitment consultants’ human resources. In fact, the ETT and the Public Employment Services make up the most prominent link between employers and unemployed workers, grouped many of the new job and carry out an active policy for promoting labor contracts and the direct management supply and demand according to market needs. However, even since the last labor reform as another offer so few deals in the same industries, each of which offer opportunities for use and have mixed results in the level of placement. While Temporary Employment Agencies get more contracts, utilities offer more training.

Following the publication of studies on labor market developments during the first half of 2010, there are no doubts about the effectiveness of ETT and SPE, the first place unemployed 5.3 times more state services. The Public Employment Service, which manages both the needs of supply and demand, obtained 2.4% of total loans. In absolute numbers means that 164,901 people out of work got a job on a total of 6,743,691 during the first half of the year. Private employment agencies handled during the same period a total of 867,615 loans: 12.9%.

This ratio, calculated at the national level, depends on whether you put the magnifying glass on the different regions. In the case of Extremadura, the fourth highest rate of unemployment, "the mediation of the Public Employment Service is at its peak performance. By contrast, where management does is lower in Catalonia, with an unemployment rate of 2.4% less than the national average.

In Spain, by law, the Temporary Work can only offer temporary contracts
To an extreme situation of unemployment, the goal is to get a contract, either temporarily or indefinitely. However, if you have time to wait until a job for an indefinite period, the SPE is the only one who can give an adequate response. This is because in Spain, by law, the only TTE may offer temporary contracts, unlike what happens with these companies in other parts of Europe.

employment mediation
However, it is noted that the number of employees who get a job through a temp agency, 30% just by signing a permanent contract. In this way, get a permanent seat in an enterprise is also possible with the mediation of one of these agencies.

With the latest labor reform were no longer closed the two branches of activity in which these firms could not influence: construction and public sector. However, although both are no longer exclusive to the SPE, are the branches where government services are more successful. According to the detailed data of last July, were the employers of public sector administration, defense and Social Security who offered more jobs through employment offices, with 24 055 offers a total of 60 141 (40%). In second place was construction, with 18,000 positions offered, 30% of the total.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011 | | 0 comments

How To Develop Self Esteem and Confidence

how to be happy
How many times was found in a social situation where you'd like to be handled differently? How many times have you remembered a scene from the past, replay so that you can watch it again inside your mind and contemplating whether you could have done better if you do this or that. The thing here is that there are a lot of opportunities that were lost because of lack of self confidence.

Throughout history, mankind has experienced different things from the boom of the economy to its downfall. People who are best equipped are the only ones who can adapt to the changes of time. But what about people who are paralyzed or those who fear and immediately panic over different situation?

There are a lot of people who are lack self esteem, inhibitions, strength and will power. Moreover, there are also a lot of people who lack confidence and these people are those who easily suffer on what life throws at them wherever they may be.

achieve happiness
Fortunately today there are psychological techniques that teach people to discover their resources and develop skills to improve their ability to interact with others. There are also specific ways to improve the perception and recognition of their strengths and vulnerabilities so that they can rebuild themselves and have self-confidence. By having confidence, they can walk through life in a more satisfactory, less hostile and more hopeful manner because self confidence makes the person more positive and adaptable to any changes that they face.

For example, to improve self-esteem, it is necessary to identify the strengths and limitations of the person. From this assessment, the person can decide what aspects they want to improve in their lives and which they should strengthen more. The plan of action to change certain characteristics must be realistic and achievable over time.

Saturday, June 4, 2011 | | 0 comments


digital signature
The term "imaging" has been used to define the act of creating digital images from paper documents, as well as associate index, store, retrieve and distribute them as electronic images of the originals. It is efficient document management systems that convert electronic documents, "read by humans, usually paper documents" computer-readable. " All this allows the organization to collect, store, archive and retrieve electronic images of documents impresos.18 To this end it has developed the TIFF (Tagged Image File Format), which for a time remained the most commonly used by manufacturers Technologies for Imaging. The present leadership is shared with the PDF (Portable Document Format) from Adobe, which is universally accepted by all.


Technologies for workflow and workflow are designed to automate certain processes of the organization's internal work. These systems rely on electronic versions of documents that move through different departments of the organization for review or modification by different members of this, creating a new concept of teamwork. 19
Regulatory programs planned workflow processes, automatically send documents to different departments and follow the document's status throughout the process.
One of the biggest challenges for all systems dedicated to the management of electronic documents is to include among its funds existing documents. For this reason is given special attention to the development of technologies for converting documents into digital format.

solutions document
These technologies include, in addition to scanners, software for document conversion, character recognition and processing of information packets. Although the functionality of these products are not intended to strategies for information storage and retrieval, allow you to create electronic images of documents originally created on paper and from the digital copy of the document, develop and extract information.

Importantly, the difference between the technologies for converting documents into digital format and Imaging, seen previously. The Imaging intends to obtain electronic images of paper documents, while other systems are designed to create electronic documents from other documents that were created initially on paper. Currently, due to its high functionality, organizations are in the technologies for converting documents into digital format, an important component of your development system.